
The AmerG Stablecoin System & The GwaySBC Protokol Platform

Overview of the AmerG Stablecoin System

Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), two of the world’s most widely used digital assets, are far too volatile to be employed as everyday currency. Bitcoin can experience drastic changes in value within a 24-hour period – even soaring up to 300% in one month, or even dropping 25% in a day. Such extreme fluctuations render cryptocurrencies unsuitable for use out of investment purposes.

Crypto didn’t fail. People failed. All existing StableCoin system in one way or another centralized. We already saw Crypto-Collateralized Stablecoins, Algorithmic Stablecoins, and Fiat-Collateralized Stablecoins can be manipulated at some point, all lies are brought to the surface and truth comes forth no matter how hard they try to hide it. And in that case, any project based on lies, promises, and trusts will fail and it doesn’t matter how big this project is, it will fall and that’s it.

AmerG is based only on real assets(BTC,ETH for now) and Strong belief in a community. AmerG is a collateral-supported cryptocurrency intended to preserve consistency in its worth relative to the US Dollar. We strongly believe that digital assets like AmerG are necessary for maximizing the potential of blockchain technology. This is a unique way for stability and financial health. The Cryptocurrency future it’s AmerG. AmerG is pegged to the customer’s ability to pay off the debt and Responsibility fee by borrowing AmerG against an asset in a Collateralized Secured loan (CSL), also to community consensus of 1 AmerG = 1 USD.

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