AmerG Tokenomics

  • Token name: AmerG Stablecoin

  • Ticker Symbol: AmerG

  • Binance Smart Chain Blockchain: 0x3963a62009c56634f9b5f115f8db17c39d88b633

  • Total Supply: The supply of AmerG is not fixed and can increase or decrease.

  • Ethereum(ERC-20) Vault: 0xAb9a4238a457640E7A9aE62C176b7f587D1bfD0b

  • wBTC(ERC-20) Vault: 0xE551B113B91cee0b7c8E51c5738Ca4c66014CA81

  • AmerG is a collateral-supported cryptocurrency that is pegged to the US Dollar. The value of AmerG is maintained by the customer’s ability to pay off their debt and responsibility fee by borrowing AmerG against an asset in a Collateralized Secure Loan (CSL).

  • The AmerG stable coin system is based on real assets such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), which are used as collateral for the CSL. This ensures that AmerG is not subject to the extreme volatility seen in cryptocurrencies such as BTC and ETH.

  • The community consensus is that 1 AmerG is equal to 1 USD, providing stability and predictability for users.

  • AmerG can be generated on the GwaySBC Platform by anyone who wishes to do so. The generated AmerG can be used for payments, sending to others, or holding as savings. This creates the necessary components for a reliable decentralized margin trading platform.

  • The GwaySBC Protocol is an Ethereum smart contract platform that facilitates the stability of AmerG value by employing a series of Collateralized Secure Loan Smart Contracts (CSL). This ensures that AmerG is transparent, secure, and not subject to manipulation or deception.

  • The AmerG stable coin system is designed to stop all speculation, deception, and manipulation. The goal is to create a secure foundation that garners trust from all users, in a fair manner for each individual.

  • The AmerG stable coin system is an innovative approach to borrowing, paying responsibility fees, and leveraging collateral. It provides users with all the tools they need to make the most of their assets safely and reliably.

Last updated